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Organ Trade in Syria, FSA Delivers and Turkey Butchers

The Syrian health sector suffered great losses. FSA vandalized and bombed many hospitals, looted medical equipment and medical supplies. Because of all this, some Syrians in Aleppo are resorting to Turkish hospitals, unaware of the danger.

Organ trade has increased in Syria, like it did in Iraq at the time of the American war. FSA joined forces with Syrian field hospitals, they deliver injured Syrians to certain Turkish hospitals where they’re being harvested.

Jassem AlMinbajy, a resident of AlHyrdaria has lost his life in one of those hospitals. His cousin Hameed told his story.
“My cousin was shot in his right shoulder and chest. We took him to AlZarzour field hospital in AlAnsari – AlSukary with the help of an FSA group (Sultan Mohamad AlFateh). The staff at the hospital refused to treat him, saying they don’t have room for him. He was moved to Martyr Kamal hospital in Turkey on 11/11/2012, he died 4 days later. He had two surgeries. The first was a success, the second was ordered by Dr. Murad Kozal on 14/11/2012. After the second operation Jassem’s father noticed wounds in the abdomen area, not the injured area. Jassem died less than hours later.”
Jassem wasn’t the only victim of those monsters. Suliman Turkmani was shot by a sniper in his foot in Al-Sheikh Khuder, he too was taken to Al-Zarzour field hospital by the same FSA group. He was sent to Martyr Kamal hospital in Turkey. The father wasn’t even allowed to see the body of his son. After the funeral one of the Syrian workers in the hospital told him that his son’s body was harvested by the doctors.

Suliman’s father calls upon all Syrians not to send their children to Turkish hospitals.

Mohamad Ibrahim was injured in his foot and waist. He was moved like Jassem and Suliman. His brother Khabat told us that he wasn’t mortally injured, still he died two hours after the operation.

The three cases above are of people that weren’t critically injured, who died after being operated on.

Jassem’s death certificate

Mohamad Ibrahim’s death certificate

Besides sending them to be harvested in Turkey, FSA slaughtered and harvested with the aid of their doctors many of their military & civilian hostages. Bodies were found missing eyes, kidneys, etc…

Sources and more on the subject:




Original Posted by: ProSyriana | April 13, 2013 on http://www.syrianews.cc/organ-trade/

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